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Advice From a Blueberry

Be well-rounded.

Soak up the sun.

Find beauty in small things.

Live a fruitful life.

Be a good pick.

It's OK to be a little blue.

Make sweet memories!

These are from my garden. There's a host of freshly deep blue, ripened picks and over a hundred not-yet-ripe picks. But, I love them all. I talk to them all. I encourage their growth, and I nourish their spirit.

Blueberries. The best antioxidant in our house. Every day I give about three or four to Wizard, our pup. And Greg gets around three or four for his immune system enhancement. These are the memories I'm making with my first Springtime garden crack at growing and harvesting blueberries.

I had to unveil the magic in blueberries and this is what I came up with: "Blue is universally associated with tranquility, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual insight. Consuming blueberries or incorporating them into your spiritual practices can help foster a sense of inner calmness and open pathways to higher realms of consciousness." That's it, right there. Besides offering wellness in every tiny bite, blueberries have an old-soul quality, a genuine healthy dose of calming movement with every crunch into this supreme miniscule fruit.

Perhaps there's a metaphor in the blueberry. Maybe branches of this hanging fruit are secrets waiting to be explored. Whenever I'm out in the backyard and Wizard joins me to nosh on a stick or something, I stand over the barrel of the blueberry bush, then look up to the blue sky and give major thanks. How I am so fortunate to plant and grow something that has oodles of messages to be had. I never take any of my flowers or herbs or vegetable plantings and blooms for granted.

The advice from the blueberry is well-received. I had to look it up because I knew there was more to this fruit than what we see in the grocery aisles. I admire those who spend hours and days toiling away in the fields to bring these blue babes to the store and then to our tables. It's a gift, to be sure.

May is a gift as well. Greg celebrates his birthday this month, we're off on a road trip for 10 days in his new truck, and we get to play and care for pups, gardens, chickens, and tortoises. The beautiful side is I also get to see Mom. It will be a few days past Mother's Day, but I can still celebrate with her and show her the love she needs. There will be a swimming pool, space for pup play, and not-super-hot afternoons to enjoy on the patio. I never again want to travel to Arizona during the summer months. Brutal.

And there you have it. Blueberries defining our Spring of 2024. The richest color on the planet. Blue is the color of the deep ocean, the color of the clearest sky, the color of royalty, and eye colors that captivate and enthrall. Without seeing blue, we feel a sense of emptiness. Gazing at the planet from a distance and through telescopes, and through images we view on the good ol' internet, it's obvious how our oceans make up more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface. Imagine that. And it's all blue!

I send loads of wellness vibes and colorful adventures to mark the Spring season. Flowers are going off everywhere! The rains here on the California Central Coast have been good to us, replenishing our reservoirs, soaking into the soils and encouraging growth of everything and anything that is rooted in. We have to be careful of those pesky foxtails though, they can blindside you when the winds kick up. However, it's a small price to pay when the environment looks so happy.

Have a beautiful May. Notice things you might not have thought about or seen before. Be aware of the tiniest morsels of goodness in Mother Nature. I assure you, they are there. If you manage to see fresh blueberries in the farmer's market or organic grocery aisels, stop and pick up some. Otherwise, I welcome you all to come on over if you're in the area and enjoy a fresh blueberry or two from my garden. It may be a longshot that you adventure this way--and unless Wizard and Greg have eaten them all--I'll save some for you. ;)

Be well. Love, from me.



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