Happy Holy Days and My Gratitude List

Holy days are moments of peace, sacredness, and an undying ability to savor the simple. I've been pondering what simplicity means and have written about it in past blogs for other publications. I ascribe to simplicity in all its forms—at least I try. But given how we view life and its ever-changing dynamics, is it possible to maintain a simple life?
I'm not referring to living off the grid, moving into a tiny home, or even eliminating drama friends to the max. What simplicity and holiness can be is purity and elegance and that 'less is more' philosophy I mentioned in last month's blog entry. The closer we are to scaling back on eating out, partying night after night, staying busy until the wee hours of the morning, having the latest greatest gadgets, and spending money we don't have, that's when simplicity has a chance to shine.
We are in some interesting times in this world: change change and more change. Despite our abilities to hang onto temptation and feelings of betrayal, not to mention obsession with outcomes, we can turn our attention to the holy and the simple. It may not be fun, but I guarantee that a mindset shift will alleviate A LOT of stress during these holidays and holy days.
So, why not have a gratitude list? For year's end, I love to jot down everything that has made me smile and love bigger, made my heart pitter-patter, gave me something to think about, challenged me, and forced me to live life differently. Here goes:
Greg -- our relationship, partnership, better-halfness, significant other-ness, whatever you want to call it--he came from something, I came from something, yet together we are everything.
Wizard -- the pup that knows only love in all its forms.
My garden -- nurturing, planting, harvesting, trimming, getting to eat the vegetables and fruits I grow-- is gratitude to the nth.
My health—I have paid extra attention to how I move, what I eat, what mentally fuels my body, the sunshine I need to thrive, the inwardness of solitude I need to be a good human when I go outward, and an awesome night's sleep!
A safe space to be me—the home I share with Greg is uber-welcoming and alive with positive energy. I can be who I am and work into the corners of each room to offer wholeness.
Where we live -- I've moved around A LOT in my 60+ years of living. But what has struck me of late--an epiphany, if you will--is that everywhere I hung my yoga mat or the few clothes I had, it put me right where I needed to be at any given moment. I learned tons; I met tons of interesting people; sunk into different cultures and ways of living, and was led to Los Osos to meet and be with Greg forever. This much I know. The community here offers such respite and fun. Right on the ocean and near the mountains, I get the best of both worlds.
What I do to earn money -- I wasn't always a writer. I was formerly entrenched in all aspects of the fitness industry for over 25 years. However I have discovered a newish talent with my creative writing, and for over 10 years, I have been able to work anywhere and collaborate with clients worldwide. I don't make much money, but I do LOVE what I do and my gratitude is beyond!
My family -- they aren't the lowest on this list, however, I thank them every day in silence. Mom, especially. Her health challenges have been going on for years now and she can still rock it like no other Peruvian woman I know. My brothers have their own lives and ways of being, and although I may not agree with them as they don't agree with me, we continue to be connected by blood, roots, and love. For that, I'm super grateful.

And there you have it. The 2024 Gratitude List will carry me to a new year and new anything. It comes to me in waves, my gratitude for things. I don't even think about it for long; I simply have to remain clear in my mind and heart and the rest flows. Writing what I'm grateful for down on paper keeps my intentions strong, my forward momentum in life positive, and my relationships alive.
From my home and hearth to yours, we wish you a beautiful holiday, a stellar amount of holy days, the perfect simplicity of living, and cherished time with what offers your soul gratitude and delight.
All our love and best wishes from this year forward,
Gerry Ellen, Greg, and Wizard xoxoxo