In a World of Human Interaction, Be a Cloud

If you look up in the sky, what do you see?
The possibilities are endless. Whereas one might notice a blue sky and birds floating by, another might recognize an airplane or chemtrails or pollution that hinders the sky's true colors. Then again, there are the clouds that hover and impart a certain appeal, whether they shade you from the sun, cause a chill in the air, or signal doom from an impending storm.
Clouds can morph at any given moment. And no two clouds are ever the same. How cool is that to even fathom? Clouds are full of wonderment and here's why.
Think of the human population and its bazillions of people walking around doing their damndest to mimic one another. Why on earth does one person want to BE like another person, when we've all been given a vast amount of talent and signature appeal that is destined to keep us unique? I thought about this for a while, and then was given a short clip of a narrated video called "The Magic of Life."
The first three or four minutes talk about clouds and how imperfectly perfect they are, how each cluster or formation or sequence never looks like anything from the previous cloud. In actuality, each cloud moves through the sky and changes shapes as they do, showcasing its billowiness or spanning across the heavens with such captivating energy that one can't help but notice and comment, especially during a sunset or sunrise.
My fascination with clouds goes way back. I lived in the south and always could tell when a storm was brewing. We had tornadoes, hail storms, cirrus clouds, cumulus nimbus clouds, and plenty of reasons to witness why things were the way they were. Did I pay attention to any of that as a teenager? Heck no! I was more interested in taking shelter from the storm, while also expressing an inner curiosity as to why the sky can change on a dime.
All of this leads me to so many millions of humans who desire to change who they are and not accept the body, mind, or soul they were blessed to receive at birth. Meaning, being a unique person in the face of adversity is what we ALL NEED RIGHT NOW. We have been given a chance to shine our personalities, our different shapes and sizes, and who we are to the core. It is a gift to grow up and age in the face of societal pressures and cultures that advertise that it's not okay to be true to who we are.
"The shape of a cloud is determined by air temperature, density, and movement. Differences in temperature and density prevent water-laden air from mixing with the surrounding air, giving clouds a distinct shape and creating crisp edges. Air movement pulls clouds into different formations." I pulled this quote directly from the BBC Science Focus Magazine that delves into planet Earth and her many abundant forms of nature. These experts believe that the puffiness and wispiness of clouds tell a story. Or, perhaps I'm interpreting their words in a more creative way to highlight how we see clouds and how they form.
We humans conjure up shapes of animals or messages within the clouds. And although no two clouds are ever the same, in a parallel universe, we can celebrate being a cloud. It can be a simple concept to accept, especially if we can accept one another as we are. Our world is always changing, and the clouds morph right along with every passing phase of life. It seems they are separate from the rest of our culture due to their high upness, yet, in essence, a cloud is a living and breathing being--just as we are.
Have you ever heard the expression "A dark cloud just entered the room?" Oftentimes, the low chatter is referring to the energy of a human who possesses some kind of not-so-greatness. Then again, the flipside of the coin is another expression I made up "See how interesting that person is, see and feel the beauty emanating from their entire being, and how there has never been anything like them, almost as if they are a cloud floating through the room with confidence and grace." This is how we can treat our fellow humans every single day.
Clouds appeal to children. Clouds can baffle scientists and atmospheric studies. Clouds are magical in color, shape, and size. And above all, clouds reverberate what love means. Why is that? When we observe clouds with open eyes and hearts, we can also experience each human with the same level of willingness to welcome their eccentricities and individual mannerisms.
Being present in the moment when the dawn sky opens up and explodes with clouds of orange, pink, yellow, and purple beyond the horizon to amazement, that's my idea of a breathtaking hour. Same thing with a sunset. We can about predict when a glorious finale of Mr. Sun collaborating with the leftover clouds will be a photo-worthy occurrence. Magic magic magic.
So practice gazing up at clouds in awe. Then imagine transferring that same level of awe to every human you meet or see from a distance. Know their idiosyncrasies are creative, expressive, contrasting, and most of all--special. As the beloved old-time American writer and humorist Mark Twain once said "The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be? It is the same the angels breathe."
In a world of human interaction, BE A CLOUD. Because no two are--and ever will be--the same. Accept, love, admire, and know that clouds are on top because they refuse to take on any burdens. Let's try that as a population and see what happens. Roam and float along with purpose, in all your uniqueness, searching for the revelations in each human. It's there, believe you me.
Happy March. Happy Spring. Happy Everything About New Beginnings and Dynamic Relationships.