Relationships, Stoicism, and Impending Uncertainty

If I had a hundred ounces of the dog-ness in this world, I'd take it over being a human any day. Human-ing is hard work. On the other hand, dog-ging is full of unconditional heart, no judgments, and curiosity and exploration every minute of every day. Our relationships with our dogs and dogs' relationships with each other are extraordinary. No two are ever the same. Silly as it sounds, I want to live in that world 24/7.
Speaking of relationships, there's an ease with which ALL relationships need to go through, a transformation that propels us to rethink, regroup, and reconnect. Having a social network with a bazillion friends is one thing; being accountable and responsible in person to one another is something else. It's easy to sit behind a screen all day and count how many online friends you can acquire. I've done it. We've all done it.
But a true relationship from the heart takes work, and honest communication is key. Being transparent and completely upfront with how you feel can be scary. I used to repress my feelings, never wanting to make waves with anyone, including my family and closest relationships. A constant people-pleaser has been my DNA makeup since I could walk and talk, thus I was referred to as "the glue" of the family. But it never gave me much satisfaction, knowing I wasn't always being genuine with what I felt at that moment.
Easing into relationships is something that I can learn from a dog. I know, hokey, but dogs have a way of discernment, processing other paws coming near (with that constant staring that Wizard does when he sees a dog approaching from afar), and sniffing butts before either playing or moving on. Why can't we do that? Because it would be against societal rules, that's why. And we might get some weird stares of our own.
A solid relationship though, stands the test of time. There are no toxic encounters, no dumping of stuff that the other can't handle, and a willingness to accept drama from the other person. I've said many times that I can count my closest friends and relationships on one hand. Maybe that's a good thing, or I've isolated myself to no longer tolerate what doesn't work. When I entered my 60s life began to shift.
Greg and I are closer in soul than ever. Wizard is the epitome of our perfect dog, despite his hiccups with idiopathic epilepsy. But, he's on an integrative protocol with clean nutrition, Eastern philosophy supplementation, traditional seizure medication, and LOTS OF LOVE. Relationships in our household have morphed into a wonderfully beautiful state of being, thanks to Wizard. The three of us gather together to celebrate who we are, how we roll, and the enjoyment of the outdoors with fun adventures. Neighborhood relationships factor into this whole pie as well.
We adore our community and thrive when walking Wizard and encounter neighbors with dogs, neighbors on porches, neighbors tinkering around in their garages, or neighbors walking with other neighbors. These are the pockets of purity in relationships. Catching up on each other's lives and sharing commonalities with those we also share smiles with. It's about the best there is.
This brings me to stoicism and our affinity for this philosophy. Greg introduced me to Marcus Aurelius and his meditations a while back, but nothing like how Greg practices the passages the famous stoic philosopher wrote back in the AD of Roman emperors. His collection of thoughts is the backbone of this house we live in. So much so that a plaque was hung above our front door before I moved in. Two words Greg lives by and two words I've grown accustomed to loving. AMOR FATI--translated from Latin to LOVE OF ONE'S FATE.

Every day when we enter or exit our front door, we are greeted with these words that make sense. Stoicism is being embraced by high-profile celebrities too. For instance, Jerry Seinfeld quotes Marcus Aurelius in his interviews. And he's a Taurus, just like Greg! Folks who are down to earth, straight up, have no hidden agendas, are easygoing, and all the components that make up a human being worth hanging around with for life. I'm doing it and hope others are doing it too.
Marcus Aurelius has a most famous quote besides what hangs above our door: "IT IS NOT DEATH THAT A MAN SHOULD FEAR, BUT HE SHOULD FEAR NEVER BEGINNING TO LIVE.” I'm clear on these words' intentions, as stoicism has resonated with me lately. Perhaps because I'm older, accepting Medicare in 2025, and sincerely concerned about the fate of our country. I can't sit on the sidelines anymore.
Impending uncertainty is at the tip of many a tongue this month. What will become after the 2024 election? Who's going to win and how will it all shake out? Our divisiveness has left me (and millions) with these questions. I'm getting prepared for anything. What an interesting time to be alive.
I often rely on the awesome timing of a clairvoyant I communicated with at the onset of 2007 after I was free from divorces and footloose again. I'm still receiving messages from her each month via email. Granted, they are random and out of the blue and sent to everybody she's worked with in her practice, but I look forward to what her spirit Guide has to say. For October, here's the simple, yet profound message: The divine in ALL is beyond understanding. Your trust can bring a sense of ease like no other.
With all that is happening in the world, I couldn't think of a better mantra to align with during moments of uncertainty. I know which direction I plan to take when I vote. I trust my decision and will hope for the best. Already I feel at ease in my knowing. Even some uncertainty with Wizard's health, the long-term relationships I nurture as best I can, my self-care on a whim, and the love Greg and I share, are all part of the bigger picture.
I'll close on that note. Life is what we make it, and love is how we share it. My wish for you (as we enter the official Autumn season) is that you listen to your heart, pay attention to the relationships that matter, and above all else, be honest and forthright in your words and actions. Remember that your essence is LOVE and BEAUTY.
Have an amazing rest of your October month.
Gerry Ellen xoxo